




 3年生の英語の授業で,学校を英語で紹介する課題が出され,いくつかの作品を中田先生が見せてくれました。3月20日(月)に新入生体験入学がありますので,この英文をとおして,新入生が土中のことに興味を持ってくれると嬉しいです。①生徒や先生以外の校内にいる仲間(?)のこと,②先生のこと ③全校体制の駅伝部のこと です。入学したら,自分の目で確かめてみてください。


①    Our school has a nice view.  We have a lot of nature here.  The view from the window is so beautiful.  In addition, we can find many kinds of bugs in our school and some bugs often come to our classroom.  We study with bugs.


②    I’m going to introduce our nice teachers. First, Mr. A is really kind, and sometimes tells us jokes.  He is a forgetful, but he knows a lot about cyanobacteria. Second, Mr. B is my science support teacher.  He often teaches us science politely and extra lessons for us. Third, Mr.C is my English teacher.  He talks with us and gives us some advice.


③    I’m going to talk about Ekiden club.  All students that want to join the team gather for the competition or our own health only in summer and winter.  Our teachers and students are friendly.  So our team is loved by every student in our team.  You can enjoy running even if you don’t like running.

